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Writer's pictureChantal Paul

How to Quit Smoking with Hypnosis

Dear reader,


If you're here, it means you've made the courageous and wonderful decision to quit smoking or you're strongly considering it. Congratulations! You've already taken the first step towards a healthier and happier life.


In this article, we will explore an alternative yet effective method to assist you in your journey: hypnosis.


Hypnosis is a practice that involves inducing an altered state of consciousness where the mind is more receptive to suggestions. Therapeutic hypnosis (hypnotherapy) can be used to address various issues, including smoking addiction.

In my appointments with clients, it's important to note that part of the session is devoted to awareness building, using tools or exercises to help clarify the client's needs or goals. In the second part, we enter the hypnosis phase, where any desired changes towards the intended goal are anchored and integrated so that they are firmly in place.


But first, it's essential to understand several aspects to ensure your success. First, you need to:



  • Understanding Smoking Addiction  Before delving into hypnosis, it's essential to understand the nature of smoking addiction. Nicotine in cigarettes creates a strong physical and psychological dependence. Quitting smoking can trigger unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, and cravings.

  • Knowing yourself It's all about understanding what's going on inside you: know your motivations, triggers, etc.


You're on the fence!

Despite your desire to stop smoking, your hesitations and lack of confidence in your ability to do so are holding you back.

You're not alone, and know that your concern could probably be related to, among other things:

  • The fact that you've smoked again despite your efforts to quit.

  • Your negative perception of this experience.

  • A loss of confidence in yourself and in your ability to cope with the situations, emotions and sensations that prompt you to smoke.


Stop fighting it! Instead, become aware of what's going on inside you when you feel the urge to smoke.


Here's a simple exercise/tool, NICOTINE CRAVINGS JOURNAL from the Québec sans tabac website to help you prepare.

It will help you increase your awareness of your cravings. The more aware you are of your cravings and what triggers them, the greater your chances of achieving your goal. For example, in the Lord of the Rings movie, before Frodo and his companions embark on their journey, they are given beforehand information about what awaits them, preparing them to face their goal with determination and thus prepare themselves adequately or accordingly.


Make the most of it! Download it; it’s free. Get started today!

To give you a taste, here's how you can leverage hypnosis to quit smoking:

a person breaking a cigarette in half
  • Changing Mental Associations: During a hypnosis session, the practitioner can help modify your mental associations with cigarettes. For example, they can lead you to associate cigarettes with something unpleasant or harmful, reducing the appeal of smoking.

  • Boosting Motivation: Hypnosis can enhance your motivation to quit smoking by helping you visualize the benefits of a smoke-free life. The practitioner may use positive suggestions to reinforce your determination to remain smoke-free.

  • Stress and Anxiety Management: Many people smoke to cope with stress or anxiety. Hypnosis can help reduce these feelings by promoting a deep state of relaxation. By learning relaxation and stress management techniques during hypnosis sessions, you can better cope with triggers that prompt you to smoke.

  • Strengthening Willpower: Hypnosis can bolster your willpower by suggesting positive affirmations and alternative behaviors to replace the urge to smoke. You can learn to use self-hypnosis to reinforce these suggestions and maintain your determination to remain smoke-free.

  • Reducing Withdrawal Symptoms: Withdrawal symptoms such as cravings and irritability can make quitting smoking challenging. Hypnosis can help alleviate these symptoms by assisting you in managing cravings and strengthening your resilience against the challenges of withdrawal.

In summary, hypnosis can be an effective tool for quitting smoking by helping to modify thoughts, emotions, and behaviors associated with smoking addiction. However, it's important to understand that hypnosis is not a miracle solution and may require commitment and regular practice to achieve lasting results.

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